Tuesday, September 17, 2013

SBBC Day 16- what makes me happy

Don't get me wrong,  I do like the finer things in life. It's nice to be spoiled, or to treat yourself to something fancy you've been lusting after for months. But I like to think that at the core of it I'm a woman of simple pleasures. I could do without most of life's fineries as long as I have the following to keep me going-

A cuddle from these two fluffy heart warmers

Seeing this little devil rock up at my door to tear my house apart and make me laugh

Sitting inside in cosy jumpers and big mugs of coffee on gloomy days like today.

Getting a cuddle from someone you love. Even better when it's from someone who loves you.

Adorable stuff like this

Thinking about my weird and always wonderful friends and some of the great times we have had together.

Getting good feedback on a blog post. I get all giddy!

See...... such a softie.